Tree/Sofa: This tree root/sofa is sycamore. It was growing out of a stream bank at
the edge of our land, and a lot of the soil had been washed away exposing
some of the beautiful root structure. It was hollow and declining so
I decided to give it a new life. I got in the loader bucket and topped
the tree as high as I could reach. It was quite exciting being in the
stream with a chain saw cutting roots as the loader was pulling it from
the top and the bank was slowly collapsing from the weight of the loader.
I built a covered structure and kept the root in it for 7 years while I
debarked, shaped and sanded it. We hired a crane to lift it over the
house and took out a door unit to get it in. I let it dry for a couple
more years in the house before doing a final cutting of the bottom to
fit it to the floor. We sanded to 600 grit and waxed it. It feels wonderful
and kids love climbing to the top. While I can't claim to have "made"
it I do feel it is one the best pieces I have ever done.